Publication Ethics

Ethical Principles of TLJ Publishing

Following the principles of the International Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).

TLJ considers itself obliged to observe the following principles:

Ethical principles for editors, reviewers and writers

General principles

  1. TLJ welcomes the receipt of original research articles that contain up-to-date topics and legal analysis in line with the title of the journal.
  2. Submitted articles should not be published in other domestic and international journals. The author is not allowed to publish the published article in other journals.
  3. The publication is free to accept, reject, modify and edit the received articles.
  4. Publication of submitted works does not necessarily mean accepting the authors' opinions by the publication, and TLJ is not responsible in this regard.

Ethical principles of the editor

  1. The editor respects the authors' intellectual independence.

  2. The editor's perspective on all submitted articles is unbiased. Articles are evaluated solely on their merit, without regard for the author or authors' race, religion, nationality, gender, position, or organisational affiliation.

  3. The editor is required to review all received articles in a reasonable amount of time.
  4. The final decision on whether an article should be rejected or accepted is based on the peer-review reports.
  5. An article may be rejected without going through the peer-review process due to plagiarism, inconsistency with the journal's title, or a lack of minimum standards in the initial review.

  6. Articles that do not adhere to ethical principles may be rejected by the editor.

  7. The editor and the editorial board are in charge of selecting the reviewers.

  8. The editor or internal manager of the journal (on behalf of the editor) is in charge of receiving forms relating to the obligation not to send the original or similar copy of the article to other publications, conflicts of interest, and granting copyright to the journal.

  9. Because reviewing the editor's articles for publication in the journal is a form of conflict of interest, these articles are reviewed by another member of the editorial board.

  10. The editor is required to review all received articles in a reasonable amount of time.

Ethical principles of the reviewers

  1. Since the peer-review process is one of the basic steps in accepting an article, if the respected reviewer feels that the submitted article is not in his field of expertise for any reason, they should return it to the editor immediately.
  2. The reviewer respects the intellectual independence of the author of the article and should evaluate the quality of the article impartially.
  3. The reviewer should consider the received article as a confidential document and should not share it with others, talk about it with others or share it on social networks.
  4. The reviewer should attach the necessary explanations about their comments.
  5. The reviewer should inform the editor of the possible delay in the response and request an extension of the review time.
  6. The reviewers are not allowed to use the information, discussions, and arguments in their works.

Ethical principles of authors

  1. Before submitting an article, the author should read the authors' guide, prepare the article based on it, and submit it with the knowledge of the rules.
  2. The primary moral responsibility of the author is to observe the principles of intellectual property and not to commit plagiarism in any way (word-for-word or close to the content, similar text or the results of other people's research).
  3. References are included in the list of final sources that the author has referred to in the text.
  4. All prominent authors and contributors whose titles are listed in the author's section of an article should contribute scientifically to the preparation of the article.
  5. The corresponding author is responsible for reporting the potential conflict of interest and sponsors of the research.
  6. The registration of the article in the system is notified to all the authors of the article by sending an email (the email may be in the spam section, in this case, the author must remove it from the spam mode to receive subsequent emails).
  7. All authors are responsible for the originality of the work.
  8. Cases of plagiarism by the journal officials will be provided to the institutions related to the authors of the journal without any tolerance or waiver. The article will be rejected, and we will share the plagiarism case in official letters with the scientific databases of the country's publications and related publications.
  9. The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. It means that articles can be freely redistributed and reused by the author and others, as long as the article is properly cited. As such, all research articles accepted and published by MTL Journal are immediately freely available online to read, download and share, without any subscription charges or registration barriers.
  10. All articles published by the journal are available for free under a Creative Commons license CC-BY 4.0.